“The Good Doctor” Review
“The Good Doctor”, developed by David Shore and aired on the ABC Network, follows a young, autistic medical resident named Shaun Murphy that aspires to be a surgeon. Played by Freddie Highmore, Shaun was also diagnosed with Savant Syndrome, which in his case, gives him an impeccable photographic memory. After dealing with a traumatic childhood in Casper, Wyoming, Shaun decides to move to San Jose, California. In San Jose, Murphy begins his residency at San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital. Shaun’s impressive memory and reasoning skills quickly lands him a spot as an incredible surgeon, but his behavioral struggles and horrible bedside manners cause frustration with his team, and his patients. In the series, you also get to see Shaun’s personal life, and how he learns to overcome the obstacles of his mental handicap. I would recommend this show, not only for its great actors, but for the interesting plot line as well. The team that works on “The Good Doctor” does an incredible job. While the show discusses some pretty controversial topics, such as transgenderism, it is still an amazing television production. “The Good Doctor” is a wonderful show about overcoming the hardships in your life, and getting back up when you’re pushed down.
Sounds like an interesting plot; I've never heard of the show. Is it based on a true story?
ReplyDeleteNo, it is not. While his conditions, autism and Savant Syndrome, are real, the characters are entirely fictional